The activities of JPIF are divided into
the following principal categories such as social relations and environmental
affairs (Administration/ Environmental Group), standardization (Standardization
Group). |
I. Administration / Environment
Group |
1. Social Relations |
Voluntary control action program as well
as legislation preparation are in progress for quick establishment
of a recycling-oriented society and breaking with the 'throw-away'
society in order to achieve sustainable development in this century.
The activities towards achieving such society are one of our major
assignment. This is particularly important for plastics industry from
the fact that plastics goods are widely used in the world.
Reduce, reuse and recycle of plastics, and stopping fly-tipping
plastics on beaches (especially stopping resin pellet spills from
plastics industry) are our main subjects. |
1-1 Management of end-life plastics products and post-use
plastics goods |
To cope with international and domestic
legislative movement, and decision after deliberation of 'Waste /Recycle
Subcommittee of Industrial Structure Council' of the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry, we are working together with 'Plastic Waste Management
Institute', 'Clean Japan Centre' and others. |
(1) Recycle of Post-use Plastics Container and Packaging |
To promote the recycling under 'Container and Packaging
Law' and 'Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources',
our Plastics Material Labeling Committee are working for labeling
for selective collection and information on plastics materials of
plastics goods through partnership with 'Plastic Packaging Recycling
Council'. Further, they are working for other plastics goods than
package and container. |
(2) Industrial waste |
For setting the target of waste reduction, survey on
industrial waste from plastics processing industry (including plastics
waste as by-products) are annually conducted together with 'Clean
Japan Centre'. |
1-2 Environment and Safety |
There is great awareness about safety of
chemicals in the public, because lot of different chemicals are used
in plastics, which may enter the environment during manufacture, use
or disposal. We are tackling this difficult issue in support of 'Japan
Chemical Association' and other related association. |
(1) Regarding fly-tipping plastics, one of our committee have started
campaign against resin spills and survey on preventing actions for
resin spills in the factory as the first step. |
(2) Regarding Carbon Dioxide reduction ti means the reduction of
energy consumption in the plastics processing industry. Survey on
energy consumption is scheduled as voluntary action program. |
2. Plastics Industry Relations |
Statistics, International relations, Public
relations and others are carried out on a regular basis. |
2-1 Statistics |
Collection and analysis of statistical information
on the plastics industry. |
(1) Monthly and yearly statistics of plastics material production,
sales and inventory (provisional and final). |
(2) Monthly and yearly indexes of wholesale trade on plastics materials
products and related chemicals. |
(3) Monthly and yearly statistics of import/export of plastics materials
and products. |
2-2 International Relations |
(1) Far East Plastics Industry Conference |
JPIF, 'Korea Plastic Industry Cooperative' and 'The
Taiwan Plastics Industry Association' have a meeting in turns annually
for the Information exchange and better communication about issues
to tackle for plastic industry. |
(2) Council of International Plastics Association Directors (CIPAD) |
CIPAD represents all associations from all nations of
the world and has a meeting annually. The purpose of CIPAD is to foster
close co-operation, making the organization an important player in
servicing and advocating the interests of the plastic industry through
the world. |
(3) Contribution to Plastics Processing Industry in East ASEAN Countries |
On request of JODC and JETRO, we have made arrangement
of the dispatch of engineers for plastics processing. |
2-3 Public Relations |
(1) Monthly publication of magazine 'Plastics' and in-house news
letter 'JPIF news' and renewal of information in URL on regular basis. |
(2) Publishing members directory on a biannual basis and associations
directory. |
(3) Publication of explanatory booklet on plastics and its industry
in plain terms. |
(4) Press conference on a monthly basis to explain plastics Industry
and JPIF activities. |
II. Standardization Group |
The group is concerned with the activities
of international standardization of ISO and IEC and of the national
standardization in the fields of plastics and their products and is
administered by Board of Standardization. |
1. ISO standards related |
The group participated in the area of ISO
TC61 (Plastics) and ISO/TC138 (Plastics pipes, fittings and valves)
through the respective standardization committee by managing their
domestics SC mirror committees and by performing the secretariats
of ISO/TC61/CS11 (Plastics products) and ISO/TC138. |
1-1 Administration of mirror committees |
TC administrative committee and TC technical
committee respective of TC61 and TC138, and their respective SC mirror
committees, of which activities at this moment include. |
(1) Participation in the national projects such as ISO/JIS alignment
project |
(2) Discussion of ISO draft standards and formulation of Japanese
vote and comments |
(3) Participation in related international TC/SC/WG meetings |
1-2 Secretariats of ISO committees |
Being consigned by Japan Industrial Standardization
Council (JISC), the group supports the secretariats of ISOs. |
(1) ISO/TC61/SC11 secretariat |
Taking over form Sweden in 1980, JPIF has performed
the secretariat of SC11 of which supporting committee is comprised
of 25 related member industrial associations. |
(2) ISO/TC138 secretariat |
JPIF succeeded the secretariat from Netherlands, of
which supporting committee is comprised of 10 related member associations. |
2. JIS standards related |
2-1 Participation in JISC activities |
The group contributes to administration
of JISC by participating in ISO committee, Technical committee of
chemical products (plastics, rubber, paints etc.) and Technical committee
of general chemistry (basic chemical analysis, chemical reagent etc.). |
2-2 Preparation of draft JIS |
Jointing the project of Japan Standardization
Association (JSA), the drafting committees of JIS standards are managed
by the group. |
3. Safety of plastics in electric and electronic
applications and related standards |
The committee "Safety of plastics in electric
and electronic applications" comprising of experts from concerned
plastics manufacturing association, represents Japanese plastics industries
in cooperating with electric and electronic industry associations,
such as Japan Electronics & Information Technology Industries Association
(JEITA) and Certification Management Council for Electrical and Electronic
Components and Materials of Japan (CMJ) etc. through participating
in their committees, including dispatching the expert to IEC mirror
committees related to plastics materials, such as IEC/TC89(Fire hazard testing),TC108 (Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technology), TC111 (Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems), TC112 (Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems), and also JIS drafting committees for electronic materials for harmonization with IEC standards. |